Friday, December 3, 2010

LifeStyle: Storage/Organization

Coming to the second chapter of lifestyle of Mithila Culture, I have put up two pictures. In the picture that is on the right, a mud built rack can been seen. These racks are made by mixing together soil, water, finely cut straw and small percentage of cow dung. They are mixed well and left for couple days so that there is elasticity in the mixed mud. Then the structure is started from the base and up. Meaning, first the base is built, left for couple days (or more depending on the weather) to semi-dry and then more pile of mud is added, adding to the height of the rack. Different shapes are made depending upon the desire and creativity of the Mithila women making them. After the rack is fully dry, it becomes ready for putting things in/on it. The topmost layer is used to keep bigger size objects, for example, the pots in the picture, while the middle/bottom layers are used to store light small objects such as yarn, oil bottle, make up kits, etc.

Similarly, the picture on the left is also made for keeping things in the house organized. This one in particular which is made around a pillar is at an higher reach and hence it is used for things that should be kept away from children, for instance, money, medications, sweets, yogurt, etc. The structure behind the pillar is called Kothi in Maithili language, which is simply a mod build round (sometimes rectangular) box used for storing grains such as lentils, paddy, rice, wheat, etc. All these things are made mostly by women. Men usually do not get involved in any activities that requires dealing with household works. They only work outside of the house.

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